Sunday, October 17, 2004

My First Wlog

Well, it was little less than a year ago when I was chatting with my Uncle from Seattle about this new internet fad know as the blog. Puzzled for weeks on why they resorted to Blog as opposed to Wlog, I soon forgot about the issue until I started receiving emails of friends who were starting their own Wlogs or Webles. Not to be out done, I set out to out do...

As a 23 year old independent white male, I though it would a solid idea for me to have my own lounge where my cutting thoughts may aggressively challenge the global community on top drawer social issues that effect the world today. Unfortunately, my cutting edge thoughts are really just blatant personal social problems that will one day appear in the top drawer of a psych major's filing cabinet.

A classic example would be the time I boldly anounced to a girl I liked that "I don't celebrate Valentines day. It is just an overhyped commercialism holiday that preys on insecure relationships." Let me warn you.... words that sharp are dangerous! And, although there is no shortage of these brilliant ideas, my not so independent side thoughtfully suggested the female half of the world was not quite ready for these revelations.

Maybe I could have an instructional site....

Imagine me effectively training individuals to reach out to new horizons propelling them to achieve new levels of self awareness. The posting would list inspiring lessons such as "How to change you oil" a guide to reducing autonomous friction in you life; "Song Writing Made Easy" Seven misconceptions that will make you feel like you are a musical genius; and, "Improving your Chances at bachelorhood" Surefire tricks that let her know she is dealing with the wrong man. However, the notion of people globbing to my blog to wlog my secrets from all tangential points of the spherical earth, would leave me on the same plain as Opera, Dr. Phil and Jared from subway. Just the thought of it will disturb my sleeping patterns for the next week.

Many other themes for my blog included A thread I would call 'dashboard professional' (a revealing marathon of me wallowing in my pathetic relational life) and "Living with Jo(h)ns" a full on scientific log of my roommates habitational tendencies.

However, after all is said and done there is a whole lot more said than done. And you are left to muse over yet another ordinary blog.

So read it or leave it,

Welcome to the Badger Lounge.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to challenge the gobal community!! Ha ha...gobal.

This has been a message from Sam.

October 19, 2004 at 12:47:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Chelle.
I love your blogging - good stuff. Nice to see you have some time on your hands, l'il bro.
Oh, and is d'ere any way for me to spell-check your work, d'ere? Got some big ol' homonym errors dat need clearin' up.

October 19, 2004 at 4:33:00 PM PDT  

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