Lunch Time Weather Report

Yellow Jackets... I've had few good experiences with yellow jackets. In grade ten I was mountain biking only to stop with my foot on a hive. Baggy shorts and boxers were a bad combination. After a couple of warning pokes I was dumbfounded as too a proper action, sacking myself was not an option and short of streaking through forest I knew not what to do. Despite my best efforts I spent ensuing week walking like a cowboy.
My most recent encounter with yellow jackets was on Easter Sunday. Rumors of their presence sparkled news that morning but I failed to heed warning. So obliviously I passed into a small swarm that were reeking havoc just north of Canada way on Willingdon. Streaking was not an option although the $200 fine did leave me in the sensation of a good rock to the jimmies.
Sarah in Seattle...
Known for flying fish, coffee, the tech-boom and grunge rock it also happened to be the last drivable place were I could get tickets for Sarah Harmer. Eight emerges piled into a pair of small imports for the long haul to the Tractor Tavern in Ballard (NW Seattle). Thanks to Emily's fine navigational skills we arrived in what appeared to be the American version of kits.
For those who may be unaware Sarah is presently my favorite female artist and she plays 'my guitar'. Her music found me alone in a crowd. The gracious melodies swam the cannels to gently sway the cilia like the waves of a small boat pass though the reeds. Part of the experience was realizing that I will never write/play/sing like that.
The drive home was a battle. Thankfully Emily provided simulating conversation as my other two passengers were indulging in the sleep my being so desired. I was about ready to hand over my keys when a blurry sign light up. Before I could read it vanished to the night as to tease my weary senses, only to reappear 3 seconds later. "What the?!?" The thought hung in the air for a moment then it clicked.
Three lanes of I-5 over I lurched into the generic American rest area for the promise of ‘free coffee’ (as generously provided by the friendly folks of the Squamick Senior Center). Well, the coffee lived up to expectation it was free and it had caffeine but, next time I’ll skip on the week old prune cake that was offered.
Easter Egg Hunting the weird way…
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Okay maybe a caption...this year gett'up: glasses for the legally blind, golf ball retriever and a baseball glove.
So, I think I may have started my album. We’ll see about that.
No more lunch.
I do see forecasts for the following posts:
“Hunting deer? Try a Yukon”, “How to wreck your neck painting”, “16 ways to enjoy skiing at Grouse”, “How to know if your Grandma is a funeral junkie” and “Inter-mountain tram?!? Don’t forget the mouse ears!”
...but you know how accurate the weather forcast is.
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